Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Health and Wellbeing Board, Thursday 29th March 2018 10.15 am (Item 6.)

Buckinghamshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Performance Dashboard Analysis Report: Priority 2 - Keep people healthier for longer and reduce the impact of long term conditions.


Presenter:  Dr J O’Grady, Director of Public Health.


Dr J O’Grady, Director of Public Health, Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC), said the Buckinghamshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Performance Dashboard Analysis Report: Priority 2 – Keep people healthier for longer and reduce the impact of long term conditions, highlighted areas where Buckinghamshire was similar or not as good as the national average:


  • The percentage of adults classed as overweight or obese
  • Percentage of people who take up an invitation to have an NHS health check
  • Flu vaccination in adults aged 65+
  • Flu vaccination in pregnant women
  • Recorded prevalence of dementia.


The following points were raised:


Indicator 29 – People taking up an NHS Health Check invite per year.  In response to being asked if an increased number of residents took up the offer of a NHS health check, could it be proved that there would be an improvement in positive outcomes?  Dr O’Grady explained the following:


  • Approximately 50% of people take up the offer of a health check.
  • Health checks were very good at picking up a risk of a long term condition but the challenge was then getting people to change their behaviour.
  • Referrals to smoking cessation and weight management services were followed up on but it was not possible to monitor if people were taking more exercise. 
  • There had been a campaign to increase uptake in difficult to reach groups. 
  • Two thirds of the adult population were overweight or obese and likely to develop long term problems. 


Ms J Baker said the feedback from Healthwatch was that people did not know how to access health checks and she felt that communication could be improved and asked for clarity on who would be eligible.  The following points were made:


  • The programme was delivered by general practice.
  • The NHS Health Check was a five year programme and at the start of each year, general practices identified group of people to be invited from the total population who were eligible for a health check and an invitation was sent out in the post.  People with an existing long term condition were excluded from the list of eligible people.
  • Buckinghamshire aim to invite a 100% of the total eligible population.


After discussion about the NHS Health Check letter; Dr Williamson said he would provide information on how people could access an NHS Health Check.

Action: Dr Williamson


PH would coordinate an item with general practice on NHS Health Checks at a future meeting including results of the health equity audit and how primary care could maximise uptake in more at risk community groups.

  Action:  Ms K McDonald


Indicator 35 – Proportion of people who feel supported to manage own condition; could it be used as a proxy on future health care service?  Dr O’Grady said it was an interesting question and Public Health was looking at ways to predict who would use health care as part of the population health management workstream in the Integrated Care System.


Indicator 34, Dementia recorded prevalence for adults aged 65+.  It was a slightly different indicator to the one used in the NHS and Dr Roberts wanted to make the board aware not to be complacent as Buckinghamshire had an elderly population and dementia patients were not being identified early enough; the rate was approximately 65% which was below the national average. 


Indicator 30 – Population vaccination coverage – Flu (aged 65+).  Flu vaccinations were also available at pharmacies; however, the data in the report only included vaccinations provided by a primary care setting (GP surgeries) resulting in a query over the figures.  The Chairman asked for clarification to be provided at the next meeting.

Action: Dr O Grady


Ms Baker mentioned the possibility of the inclusion of the measure of patient engagement in the Dashboard and said she had received an offer to work with Healthwatch England to look into standard metrics for Health and Wellbeing Boards.  The Chairman agreed that Ms Baker could progress the work with Healthwatch England


RESOVLED: The Board NOTED the analysis for the indicators provided and performance against the indicators and PROPOSED further action.


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